Pro-Active can also support your school and parent body by providing extra curricular sport opportunities. Please see the wide range of initiatives below:
Breakfast Clubs
For support to those parents that need to drop their children in early due to work commitments. Breakfast Clubs are a great way for every child to start the day helping to focus them ready for the learning adventure that awaits.
Lunchtime Clubs
Lunchtime clubs provide the children the opportunity to participate in sporting activities and ensure that they stay active during their 'playtime'. This also enables the opportunity to improve social aspects as children can play together within a safe environment.
Young Leaders Award
Opportunity for children from older years to help support the school to provide sporting activities to fellow pupils from younger years.
After School Clubs
We provide sport specific clubs where children can develop their skills in the sports that they love. Catering for all, we pride ourselves on providing a wide range of sporting choices giving children the chance to try and emulate their sporting heroes.
Sports Council
Sports council will have regular meetings to plan sporting activities and clubs that are held within school. This ensures there is a student voice when it comes to sport and also provides children with responsibility as they help to organise sporting activities and support with sports day.
Pro-Active Confidence Building Club
Targeted intervention clubs with the aim of building self esteem and confidence with specific children, through the use team building activities and achievable challenges.
Please contact for further information about the extra curricular services that we offer.